Orofacial Myofunctional Disorders(OMDs)
Orofacial Myofunctional Disorders are incorrect, atypical, adaptive oral muscles patterns.
Examples of OMDs:
Thumb sucking
Tongue thrust
Tongue sucking
Lack of lip seal
Low tongue rest position
Disorders of chewing
Atypical swallowing
The regular presence of these adaptive, parafunctional movements often results in a variety of problems such as :
Occlusal dysfunction
Malocclusion (improper alignment of the teeth)
Failure to masticate food properly
Messy or “picky “eating
Speech problems
Inflammation of periodontal tissues
High narrow palate
Orthodontic relapse
Changes associated with abnormal ,vertical jaw growth
Etiology of OMDs :
Tongue-tie ,lip-tie
Overuse of pacifiers,sippy cups
Difficulties in breastfeeding
Diet of highly processed food
A restricted nasal airway
Improper oral habits
Neurological deficits and developmental delays
Hereditary predisposition